What is more important in life? To learn or to love. I would say love. Experiences help us grow and learn but what if they are at the cost of discomfort not just for you but also for loved ones? Then what? Can you assume that loved ones may also need to learn and go along with it or should you assume that nothing can make you grow more than love?
Its like asking "Which leg of the three legged chair is more important"
Saturday night introspection eh?
Good one but no answer:(!
too many assumptions may not lead to an optimal solution.
we cannot choose our experiences (choices) but we can definitely choose what we do with them.
But supposing we get chance to choose our experiences..through our decisions then what?
To learn or to love ?? first thing why not both where is the conflict... but lets say there is some conflict... then both the things are equally important because if you don't learn than your loved once will also feel bad ... and if you don't love for learning than why to learn so we need to have the balance between both of them .... if we try to analyze then we can surely make out at what point of life we should choose what but we need to know that our love is always growing and it give us support system to learn things ... so keep on learning without losing the love because both have their own importance ...
Confusing answer but that is what came to my mind..
Reply [Ankur]
Not at all confusing , very well explained...makes sense....but life is so uncertain how can we allot time when we don't even know how much time we have? Is it not better to spend all of it with loved ones?
Life is not about hours we have or days we have but about the best we can make out of it ... love is important but think if we even don't learn how to love ...:P
Reply[ Ankur]
Hmmm...that wud be a pity.....but love will teach that so we don't need to away from love to learn it:P
I do agree but that is learning from loved ones nothing else !!!
Right and also learning from your heart :)
Heart is made up and of loved once only :)
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