Sunday, March 21, 2021

What color am I?

The hues of sunset
The tints of baby shells
The soft hint which shows on baby cheek and feet
The color of blush
And skin warming with a rush
The color that lies between the ears of so many animals newborn
A color from early morn

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

A fight to nothingness

I fought to be heard,
I fought to talk,
I fought for freedom and breathing space,
I fought for companionship,
I fought for all that was important to me.
I fought mightily,
I fought all,
And now there is noone, nothing.
I am nothing.
As my nothingness dissolves into open space,
The world continues at its regular pace.
I wonder why I fought at all,
I wonder what I fought as I look at the empty space.

This women's day, acknowledge the individual

A woman is not a supporting role. She is not there to be a mother, daughter or wife, she is an individual with her own life. Who may need a man in a supporting role just as vice versa. Her purpose in life is to fulfill her destiny, not that of the people around. Though she may choose to do so if that brings her joy. But it is her choice. Or rather it is supposed to be. 

So, this women's day, wish women but not in the context of any relation but as individuals. That by itself is enough. Acknowledge that she can be self sufficient.