Monday, June 21, 2021

Papa ke nuskhe

This is my first father's day without my father in this world. Parents teach us everything right as we enter this world so. How to say the first word, how to take the first step and then the in betweens and the 'thereafters'.  Here I list out just some of those vital lessons my dad imparted to me. Please excuse the random order (due to randomness of state of mind ). They are varied enough but in no ways complete. Just a small snapshot  which I wanted to record and keep.

1. Eat healthy
2. Eat fruits
3. Drink hot water, green, tea
4. Eat healthy veggies. All colors.
5. Practise homeopathy wherever possible.
6. Chicken curry/soup cures all ailments/weaknesses.
7. Walk. Don't  neglect  Yoga/exercise/meditation
8. Always follow rules
9. Be extra careful
10.  Be patient. No needless arguments.
11. Studying is the key to success.
12. Enjoy the finer things of life
13. Dressing style matters. Dress with dignity.
14. Travelling is good.
15. Family is foremost.
16. He perfected balancing family and work life.
17. Care and know more about those around you : be it workers, friends or colleagues.
18. Help those in need.
19. It doesn't hurt to tip.
20. Be careful what you post on social media.
21. Music: I grew up listening to him sing. Always. Even when recovering,he kept music close to him.
22.  Don't forget to lighten up things
23. There's always room for tea with family.
24. Speak with confidence.
25. Work with sincerity but don't hesitate to show your work or speak up for yourself.
26. He always stood out. I don't know how.
27. It's actually possible to have 20-50 absolutely close friends.
28. No controversy ever anywhere.
29. Be considerate of all others, even neighbours.
30 Know the  names of your help.
31.  Stay updated on news.  He was my news channel.
32. Cleanliness.
33. Declutter
34. Use the good cutlery now. Don't wait for a special occasion. Today is that occasion.
35. However, special occasions are worth the celebrations
36. Keep contacts handy and think all possibilities of things which can go wrong also so that you can have the safety net ready. The embassy everywhere was an extended family.
37. Keep learning and trying new things. New technology.
38. Friends are gems in oldage.
39. Destress.
40. Adequate sleep.
41. Choose the right for the kid at every age.
42. Keep in touch with not just their teachers but also the Head.
43. There's no such thing as too many toys for kids
44. Extra patience with mummy.
45. Create memories.
46. Keep in shape.
47. Eat  yogurt, eat salad.
48. Birthday cards and gifts, chocolates, cakes are not overrated.
49. Don't  make noise at night. People sleep. This one is tough with a kid!
50. You alone are enough, sufficient to be responsible.
51. Go out and take ownership.
52. Be alert.
53. The peace and calmness of mountains.
54. The touch of sand on the beach.
55. Feeding birds and squirrels in sunlight, in a park, in the middle of the week. Because thats what ypur family needs. This is a memory closest to my heart, of my childhood.
56. Childhood never ends if you have parents.
57. Let go of the worrisome stuff.
58. Footwear matters.
59.  Words matter. Check and recheck.
60. The confidence of public speaking: believe that you are the only expert on required subject matter.
61. There's always time for family.
62. Keep kitchen clean. Always.
63. Celebrate all festivals fully.
64. Maintain your decorum in all situations.
65. Quality and brand matters. Be old school in those.
66. Have flax seeds, walnuts.
67. The importance of cross ventilation.
68. Less maggi.
69. He gave me my strength by his sure, strong and constant backing.
70. That I am so very loved.
71. Use a little oil at the end of kneading to avoid jagged edges on rotis.
72 Finally, that  I will be ok. Because he was finally. Eventhough he was as shocked and devasted when my grandfather passed away.

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