Sunday, June 16, 2024

House of Night : special quotes

These quotes are the ones gave that gave me a little suppport during the toughest time of my time. I couldn't note all the quotes from the entire series as yet but with what I have right now. So here it is, some comfort for grief from the House of Night series. 

House of Night


You couldn't have stopped it. You couldn't have saved her. Nyx didn't let you know it was going to happen because there was nothing you could have done

I think all we can do is take one day at a time.

Death is more difficult if it goes unacknowledged.

And promise that if the worst happens, and some of the rest of us don't make it through, the others won't let them be forgotten

Shaunee, we have to go on. We have to date and be happy and live our lives. Nothing's guaranteed, Stevie Ray's death proved that. We can't waste  the time we've been given. When I said I'd  make sure she was remembered, I didn't mean that we were going to be sad forever. It meant I'd remember the happiness she brought to us and keep her smile close to my heart. Always. 

I'd take my own advice and take one day at a time. One issue at a time.

He was what was important right now, not me and not my need for hysteria.

Sometimes lava, sometimes lego

Sometimes lava, sometimes lego,
Sometimes a flood of emotions flowing like the lava,
Sometimes it's all frozen and tight
Othertimes compact like a lego with pain points, 
Both are mine
Both are painful but divine