Today I completed 2 years in a single place in the industry. Well, a lot has changed from that first post I wrote after completing 6 months.
This is the second chapter. The first chapter of the experience changed my perspective of the industry and the second one rechanged it again. Sometimes there are irrevocable changes which change the place or the way one views a place.
There could be a lot of discussion points here. Many I started and discontinued even in this post.They could come as individual posts later on in different ways.
With time there are also struggles in most cases. Sometimes those are struggles at a personal level, at a level of balancing different aspect of lives, the actual work , the stress at the edge which may or may not be directly to actual work or that of growth.
Maybe it's like life. There are different phases. What is most important is to have the basics right. To know which factor is most important and then strive to stabilize there and make sure to sustain it. They all offer chances of growth. The growth can happen in different directions. Sometimes the most important aspect of growth is how one handles the points of struggle or even how well one identifies those aspects.
Sometimes it's the simple stuff like taking time out to talk to friends or rest or destress. Sometimes it's about expressing oneself and clarifying areas of confusion. Sometimes it's just about belonging to a place. Sometimes it's about learning new stuff. Sometimes it's new stuff about the core work and knowing where and when to learn more.
Just like life, one learns different lessons through different kinds of phases and it's always possible to keep learning.