The extent of severity of any situation depends on the person ,the way of living , the attitude.
A mild form of severity can also feel equally harsh to someone not used to it.
It doesnt necessarily depend on the strength of the person....
But what IS strength?To endure unfavourable circumstances well.But what does "well" mean? I mean one aspect caters to how the person manages his/her duties and maintains an equilibrium during sucha situation.But another aspect also exists...
What we make easier for ourselves by escaping the situation partly and escaping well....and also without any negligence.Is it good?Don't know 'coz sometimes it makes you feel like a machine ...sometimes it seems as if you arent allowing yourself to feel the full extent of grief even when you care simply because you tell yourself you need to manage well.Is that ok?It doesnt change anything except that despair comes in glimpses rather than continuously.