Sunday, April 25, 2021

Go away Corona times!

This is to record where life has taken us all with the hope that some day this will seem unbelievable, like a fable.

There are no beds in Delhi hospitals. And where people are admitted, some have died due to lack of oxygen.
No oxygen! Finally we have come to stage where easy breathing is slowly becoming a luxury.

Last year, mostly the most vulnerable were getting infected and becoming seriously ill. The motto was "If you go, you may be ok but you may infect someone vulnerable close to you". Now even the healthy are getting hospitalized. Last year, people feared getting hospitalized/quarantined. Now people are fearing for their lives. Last year, lockdown was  novelty, a challenge to overcome. Right now it really does not matter whether lockdown opens or not. People are too busy in isolation and struggle for survival to go out.

Gone are the days when the common cold was a bit less common. Now it can be lethal. Families are isolating themselves because of it. Parents from kids, partners from each other and in some cases different members get isolated in different rooms. This is to isolate and fight the virus. We are isolated yet together in this fight. 

When it seemed like a last stretch, started a new journey with its own set of new challenges. We reminsce pre-covid times. Someday, there will be a time post-covid. When the world will be mask free again. When gatherings will be happy. Travelling fun. And cold, just a 2 days rest for the body.

We have probably all dreamt of high-tech society. Flying cars maybe. Robots as slaves. And of course driverless cars are in a way here. But for now, let us all come together and pray for the populace to be able to breathe easy. And then we can all hug our loved ones freely again.

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