Friday, March 27, 2020

Pandemic 2020 lessons

By the end of this, we will learn:

  1. The value of food

  2. Ways to utilize all kinds of food items and ways to cook with minimal items and maximize its longlasting power

  3. How to cook. That is one skill all will most probably take away from this.

  4. The same for various other daily items. We will probably not waste things after this 

  5. Rationing of items

  6. Value of work and going out

  7. Value of a walk and fresh air, rainy days, cold days, sunny days. 

  8. Innovative ways to entertain kids

  9. Innovative ways to work from home, maximize team time.

  10. How all of us are the same and under similar circumstances

  11. Innovative ways to spend quality time

  12. Value of Family 

  13. Value of Human life

  14. Value of a clear and clutter free home

  15. Value of solitude

  16. How different people take calls in the same working space when you can't walk away

  17. Value of household help

  18. Value of routine

  19. Value of support system

  20. Innovative ways to stay healthy and exercise

  21. So much more....

WE are changing forever as history is getting created. For the first time in all our lives, the entire world faces the same situation and fights the same enemy.  Lets  let it bring out the best in us.

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