Wednesday, March 25, 2020

2020 Pandemic -4

Today A got milk. We put the alarm and made sure to get up early to get milk and break. Only one of us can go to get stuff since we don't want our child going out at all. Also today onwards, there is a curfew like situation. 
In the evening I tried to get tomatoes (again within the society) but everything was closed.
Just now there was an announcement by the PM. It is now an all India lockdown. And it is enforced. 21days lockdown. Is this really happening. My dad mentioned never having been through anything like this. Not even during war curfew. We are in this for the long haul. It's gonna tough. It's also gonna interesting in a strange way. 
Making the best of it is the new challenge. We aee making history. And if we defeat Corona Virus, it will be epic! 
We played family Bingo! Tomorrow I plan to play virtual Hangman with my team.

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