Wednesday, November 20, 2019

An apex of pain

Recently I had a dental treatment. A treatment so severe that it gave a new meaning to pain. I always felt chidlbirth was the apex of pain so anything following it in life had be less severe. Well life lives to prove one wrong. This experience competed well for it's place in the pain category and tied right up there.

I think I finally understood "out of body" experience. I was incapacitated with pain. I was the pain and nothing else for a while. I could only survive it. Breathe through it and make myself believe that it would go away.  Sometime. Eventually.  In the meanwhile, I had to wait it out. Survive. I wasn't brave throughout. I was terrified, stunned and just holding on. But it did go away a few hours later. After painkillers reduced it to "just pain" which though also severe, was one through which I could see the world and feel that I was more than the pain. I could feel hope again. I held onto my dreams and rode them to rosier times. And finally, like a melody, it reduced to a whisper and I was myself again. I was not just functional but living my life again. Even in spurts in between the pain.

The treatment is not yet over. Hence nor is the pain for good. I know this is a pause. But I write this is in that pause to give hope to all others suffering from some catastrophical pain just one thing:
 "it will get over. Eventually"

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