Wednesday, June 12, 2019


Recently we shifted residences and I realized there was a phobia associated with the new place or maybe it was resistance to change.

It took time for it to become "home". Home is not elegant sofas and high profile paintings with perfect teasets. Home is your favourite pajamas and slippers. Watching your favourite tv show with the people who will watch it with you because they love you. A place where you tie your hair loosely and ask for a cup of extra sweet tea on a tough day. Where you place your favourite trinklets all crooked but just as you like them. Home is where you like to  cook. Where you even like to be alone. Where you  stumble to the loo at night in the dark. Home is the best place in the world with the right people. Where you are accepted as such.  Where you fight and make up and fight again. And laugh about it later someday. Home is that familiar blanket and your kids chocolate kisses.  Home is much loved broken toys and paint splashes. Home is where you belong and look forward to coming not just on work days but even on vacations to different locations.

Home is where you are at peace and inspired to write.  :)

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