Friday, June 01, 2018

Relationships as components of a house

The people in our lives can be compared to different components of a house. Some components form the core interiors and are vital for its sustainance while some are situated just outside as extensions. Then there are others which are further apart but have paths charted out to reach them.

For now I will only discuss the interior. The walls, roofs and the base. The base belongs to family and ancestors, it is what holds the whole house together. They will almost never leave you and no matter how hard you jump on them. But jump too hard and they will crack and those cracks will hurt you as much as them if not more.

The walls are friends and certain family members sometimes whom you talk to regularly, where you bounce off ideas, have fun together, where you bring out your confusions and frustrations. They create your boundaries and keep you safe within. They prevent you from going astray. There are generally many walls, some closer than others, within the interior of the house.  Walls are somewhat dynamic in nature, they may change places. An inner wall may get transformed to an outer one with changes in life but it's still kind of nice to have them around

The roofs are slightly different. They are people you come in regular contact with, who support, guide you, share good and bad times with you but never in a very active kind of manner. They shelter you against storms but not like umbrellas which you have to hold on to. The roofs can sometimes be taken granted. Sometimes it's just enough to know they are there. That is why often you only realise the true value of roofs when some roof goes off or is removed. Suddenly you realise you need to weather so much on your own which you never had to earlier.

The interiors need to cherished, maintained and protected. They all have their own role, each uniquely vital but only if we make sure they maintained and continue to have a belongness to us, the house.

Then come the exteriors. People with whom we may have a shared a couple of good conversations maybe in a lifetime, people who seemed like friends but fadec away through the test of time . They belong to other houses and structures but are reachable from our house. There is a path from ours to theirs.

The paths to exteriors last while we want them to.

In this world, we all have our own unique houses to live in which makes life joyful and interesting.

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