Sunday, April 22, 2018

Booklist for April and May

Here's the list for April and May. April was probably the lowest reading month in a long time. When life around you gets complex and thought provoking, you look for lighter reads. So I abandoned a couple of books and switched to a couple of lighter novels. Here's the list till now from Book 16 to 22. I am planning to add at least 1-2 more to this list before the end of this month:

Book 16
Elizabeth's secret diary...Sweet Valley series...By Francine Pascal
Rating: 4.5
Light and fun, intriguing yet never disappointing,  full of childhood memories. This series does justice to nostalgia. I must have collected over 30 books of this series so far.

Book 17:
Secret at Mystic Lake
Nancy Drew diaries
By Carolyn Keene
Rating: 3.5
A normal  Nancy Drew book.

Book 18:
Sleeping Murder by Agatha Christie
Rating: 3.5
An interesting one time read. But forgettable.

Book 19:
The bomb girls by Daisy Styles
Rating 4.5
An exceptional book about women  who are forced to work towards creation of bombs during World War. It gives an insight into the life of people during that era and yet how in any situation, one finds their comfort zone with close ones even if that is within a place that blows up and leads to loss of life and limb. Everyday life continues hoping for a better tomorrow. Some get it while others get sacrificed midway. Definitely worth a reas.

Book 20: The Perfect Holiday : by Cathy Kelly
Rating: 3.5
A light, fun read.

Book 21:Heidi by Johanna Spyri
Rating: 4
A classic in its truest sense. A book wortg coming back to again and again and one which offers new insights each time.

Book 22: The woman who went to bed for a year
By Sue Townsend
Rating: 3.5
A unique, interesting concept which captures the readers' interest. This interest is sustained till midway the book then it tapers off as it stops leading anywhere. The plot seems to get lost midway onwards somehow. For once I couldn't even figure out what the author wanted to convey by writing the book.


Book 23: The short second life of Bree Tanner by Stephenie Meyer
Rating: 3.5
A good synchronization with the existing Twilight Saga but lighter and not with as much attention to detail and emotion as the mentioned series. It's more like a character sketch than a detailed novel. But then maybe that's why it's a novella!

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