Monday, January 01, 2007

Some things......

Some things are just meant to be…accept them…
Stop your inner strife
Don’t battle with your life
What will be,will be
You can’t find every lock’s key
So sometimes just giggle with glee
You are capable,you are good…believe it.
You deserve a beautiful life…accept it
You deserve love…value it…
There is joy in this world….feel it.


  1. I love the last line...and I'm feeling the joy around me.

  2. Nice to read and so many things in nutshell i would say .... but everything is very true we just need to remember these

  3. Reply[taps]
    Hey great dear..i did want you to "feel" it when i wrote this as a blog...

  4. Reply[Ankur]
    Again nice!!!:p
    Actually i confess implementaion is much tougher than writing it so i leave that to you:)

  5. Hey Dear..Some writings of urs like these reassure that happiness/sorrow is just a state of mind ...there must be a feeling of satisfaction for what we have and shoud not lose our peace yearning for more...since "You can’t find every lock’s key" :)
