There are novels and then there are novels which fantastic stories or plots. Yet others with seemingly ordinary plots but amazing words. The kind where you want sit with a highlighter or notepad to make a note of all the gems you come across. Well this was one of those. Words worth noting, remembering, discussing. Each of these can themselves be a fullfledged blog. Maybe I will add that someday but for now, here are gems. I may or may not agree with all of them but definitely find them worthwhile.
Man can do what he wills but he cannot will what he wills
Your life is a story told about you, not one that you tell
Anyone can look at you. It's quite rare to find someone who sees the same world as you see.
I don't like to throw the L word around, it's too good and rare a feeling to cheapen woth overuse.
True terror isn't being scared, it's not having a choice in the matter.
Whether it hurts is kind of irrelevant.
He who doesn't fear death, dies only once.
The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another. ~William James
I is the hardest word to define
Maybe you are what you can't not be
The thing is,when you lose someone, you realize you'll eventually lose everyone
The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity. ~Yeats
In love like a sea you drown in or a town you live in. You don't get to be in anything else, in friendship or in anger or in hope.
Reading someone's poetry is like seeing them naked
I enjoyed being with him in this nonphysical space, but I also felt the need to board up the windows of myself.
In 3 words, I can sum up everything I know about life. It goes on. ~Robert Frost
Even the silence has a story to tell you.~ Woodson.
What I love about Science is that as you learn, you don't get answers. You just get better questions.
You can't let the light catch up with the present. Otherwise you'd forget.
In the best of conversations, you don't even remember what you talked about, only how it felt.
The most important part of the body isn't the brain or heart but the part that hurts.
"None of them work.
The other side....None of them have worked as yet".
It's turtles all the way down.
Like, the world is billions of years old and life is a product of the nucleotide mutation and everything. But the world is also the stories we tell about it.
I remember what I've imagined and imagine what I remember.
The problem with happy endings is that they're either not really happy, or not really endings, you know. In real life, some things better and some things get worse. And then eventually you die.
The other perspective:
You pick your endings and your beginnings. You get to pick the frame. Maybe you don't choose what's in the picture but you decide on the frame.
I get nothing lasts. But why do I have to miss everybody so much.
To be alive is to be missing.
Nobody ever says goodbye
unless they want to see you again....
Good to see that you are still active here. Was just browsing after a long time.
ReplyDeleteHey, good to see your comment after so long!