As you can guess it was my birthday today.....and what a day!
Generally I avoid writing personal stuff in blogs but this one for all those who have been part of it...especially...some special few ...the fantastic five.............
or......................... the sensational six if I include myself :P
Imagine having a birthday and almost no one wishing you at midnight except ... lets leave it at 'except...' :D
Well that's how it started. It gave me a chance to introspect ...I mean it had never happened before...! The first thing you feel in such times is to hold onto those ones. Sometimes you take them for granted, but at moments like this you realize this, you realize yet again how lucky you are to have them. At least I did. And I realized yet again that happiness is actually only defined because you can share it.
The next thing that came to mind was guilt. Birthday to me reflects how much people value your presence. This particular semester has been a whirlpool of activities ...on family front...in more ways than one!, sickness front and then catching up on work later on.......and somehow with all that, I didn't or couldn't give too much time to friends. ..I was there yet I wasn't there! I of course planned to change that soon....
Friends provide a support system, without which, at some level you do fall. And it's a system, not one or two but all close ones matter. Maybe the level of closeness is different but each is special and very much required in their own way.
Well to cut a long story short, I learnt my lesson but the day turned to be all I could have wished for and more! I was surprised and pampered and well my birthday turned out in a way that was just completely me ....during thoughtful efforts of all mentioned above:) I mean it was a celebration which would have made me proud if I had thought of it...and yes I love planning out suhc things....but it's an entirely different feeling to get your kind of thoughts getting implemented on you:) The personalised touch, the surprise factor, the beautiful gifts...and great company...just perfect:) A scrapbook containing special photos and comments and thoughts from friends...well it's a treasured gift... an almost sureshot lift-me-up any down or doubtful moments.
And yes, I got calls from all I expected during the course of the day .....was specially touched by the conversation shared by a very old friend....sometimes you grow apart and have almost nothing in common except history and still that's still enough.
.........and was treated like a little princess and loved like a child at home ! And home is also where the heart is...if you get my drift :)
Belated wishes Aditi. Am sure you had a wonderful day and like you said, a very special birthday it should have been.
belated happy birthday :)
Moti, kamini....maine bhi wish kara tha time pe ....
belated happy birthday :)
Happy Birthday :)
I always believed everyday is same what big deal it's 20th or 21st if you are happy it's good else it's bad but moments like ans specially people make these days special !!! So ur blog actually make me realize it :)
Belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY Aditi. So nice to have go almost all calls you wanted :)
p.s- can u please remove the word verification!
belated happy birthday aditi :)
hope u hv many such gr8 birthdays ahead.
Haan haan :P
Thanx..I just like to look out for simple reasons to celebrate happiness ...birthdays, festivals etc provide good enough reasons.....of course you don't need to have reasons but it's nice to have them all the same
helloo..is the blog discovering some more life??
Very soon:)
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